Alternative Economic Paradigms
The purpose of these web-pages is practical as well as theoretical. We believe that the present world economic crisis – which may be followed in years to come by others triggered by demographic and climate change, population displacement, and political instability – exposes fundamental weaknesses and even flaws, not just in the regulation of the banking system, but in the economic orthodoxies that have been widely accepted until now on both Left and Right – forged as they were at a time of individualism and the rejection of traditional wisdom. Alternative economic paradigms are possible, but in order for these to be taken seriously it needs to be demonstrated that they can become the foundation of a successful economy, and the best way to do that is to find examples of practical implementation of these ideas, i.e. models of alternative practice.
New Economics Foundation
Grameen Bank
Community Supported Agriculture
Economy of Communion
European Credit Unions
Local Currencies
(see also
Local Currency Council)
Mondragon co-operative
Islamic banking