A Sane Economy
What has economics got to do with theology?
Ever since 2008 the world has found itself teetering on the brink of
recession. At the same time, evidence that the present century will
witness climate change of catastrophic proportions, partly due to
human activity, resulting in the death or displacement of millions
seems increasingly undeniable. Clear and profound thinking is
urgently required in order to understand our situation and to find a
way forward without compromising fundamental moral principles.
For hundreds of years, and especially since the industrial
revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries, the Church has sought to
guide Christians towards fairness and prosperity in human labour and
the economy. During the pontificates of John Paul II and Benedict
XVI, environmental concerns also came increasingly to the fore in
Catholic teaching. On these pages, we explore the principles of
Catholic social doctrine, their possible applications, and the new
paradigms they might inspire, with the help of a distinguished group
of writers and commentators.
We don't believe that human beings can be understood without
reference to the supernatural. Economics and politics have a
theological dimension, because we do.
This project was run by the Second Spring Centre for Faith & Culture under Stratford Caldecott, in close association with the G.K. Chesterton Library in Oxford and the G.K. Chesterton Institute at Seton Hall University, and proudly sponsored the Sierra Leone Chesterton Centre, a Distributist initiative that aims to help the poorest of the poor. Issues Fourteen and Seventeen of Second Spring journal, published by The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts, NH, were on the themes of ecology and economics respectively.
The Sane Economy project is now part of the Archive at www.secondspring.co.uk