Principles Of Catholic Social Teaching
"Our God is a society" – G.K. Chesterton
The hundred years from 1891 to 1991 saw the development of a
systematic papal teaching on society that has proved helpful and
influential well beyond the Catholic Church. This teaching revolves
around certain key principles and themes, which have been summarized
in many lists. We can reduce them to four:
(1) Personality, or the inalienable dignity of man and woman as
created and called to perfection by God.
(2) Solidarity, or the intrinsic relationship of the person to the
family, the community, and the common good.
(3) Subsidiarity, or the maximization of human freedom and
responsibility at the lowest and most local level compatible with
the common good.
(4) Sustainability or stewardship, meaning the responsibility of
humanity for maintaining and cultivating the resources that have
been entrusted to it.
A more detailed introduction to Catholic social teaching is provided
See also:
Family Culture
A Civilization of Love (manifesto)
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church
Pope Benedict XVI, Charity in Truth (2009)
Caritas in Veritate: Pope Benedict’s Blue-Print for Development
Vocation of the Business Leader (Pontifical Council for Justice
& Peace)
Pursuing the Common Good: How Solidarity and Subsidiarity Can
Work Together